Federal Budget 2024 - Capital Gains Inclusion Rate on Corporations & Trusts
Aravind (Along with some other notable FP collective members including Mark McGrath, Ben Felix, and Tim Lew) broke down the new capital gains inclusion rate for corporations & trusts and what the downstream implications might be.
Aravind (Along with some other notable FP collective members including Mark McGrath, Ben Felix, and Tim Lew) broke down the new capital gains inclusion rate for corporations & trusts and what the downstream implications might be. With the inclusion rate going to 2/3 for all capital gains in corporations & trusts, the effective tax on capital gains has increased greatly.
The downstream implications include:
- The impact on the value of incorporating overall (especially for professional corps)
- The changed value of capital gains and the impact on taxes personally as well as factoring in a reduced CDA (Capital Dividend account)
- Whether it makes sense to trigger gains now or hold on to them for deferral
- Impact on Registered Accounts vs Corporations for investment deferral
- How this may change the Salary vs Dividend discussion
- Passive income complications such as RDTOH increase and AAII increase
- In Kind Charitable contributions efficiacy
- Tax Efficient investing just increased in value
- The various downstream implications on trusts including their simultaneous increased relevance but also the danger of retaining capital gains inside a trust vs flowing out to a beneficiary
Federal Budget 2024 - Capital Gains Inclusion on Corporations & Trusts
The 2024 Federal Budget raised the capital gains inclusion rate on corporations & trusts Every dollar taxed inside a corporation as of June 25th will be subject to the new 2/3 inclusion rate which is a BIG DEAL. Historically what would happen is as follows: With a 50% inclusion rate – on a capital g